Axis Medical Canada

West / Ouest: 1 888 855-6558​     Ontario: 1 800 267-5597     East / Est1 877 388-1515



For 50 years Ocular Instruments has been creating solutions to save sight! Developing and producing ophthalmic lenses of unparalleled sharpness and clarity, Ocular has strived to continually improve the features and durability of all their product lines, including their more traditional items.


Ocular provide innovative solutions that advance the quality of eye care worldwide. As one of the world’s largest suppliers of ophthalmic diagnostic, laser, and surgical lenses, Ocular take their leadership responsibilities seriously. Ocular has developed more than 200 lenses and supporting products for the diagnosis, treatment, and surgery of diseases and disorders of the eye.



All of their products are developed in conjunction with leading eye doctors around the world and manufactured in their modern Bellevue, Washington, USA, facility to the most precise and exacting standards. Founded in the early 1960’s, Ocular Instruments continues as a family owned and operated business.


Most Popular


  • MaxLight® 20D (OI-20)
  • MaxLight® 28D (OI-28)


  • MaxLight® High Mag 78D
  • MaxLight® Standard 90D (OI-STD)


  • MaxField® 20D (OI-20M)
  • MaxField® 28D (OI-28M)


  • Osher MaxField® 78D (OI-78M)
  • MaxField® High Mag 78D (OI-HM-78M)
  • MaxField® 84D (OI-84M)
  • MaxField® Standard 90D (OI-STDM)
  • MaxField® 120D (OI-120M)


  • Three Mirror Universal Diagnostic - 18mm (OG3M)
  • Posner Gonioprism w/Ergonomic Handle (OPDSG-3)
  • Sussman 4 Mirror Gonioscope (OS4M)


  • Max360® Three Mirror Universal 18mm (OG3MSA-IR)
  • High Definition Three Mirror (OG3MHD-10)
  • Gaasterland 1X Four Mirror Gonio (OG4MG-1X)


  • Abraham Iridectomy YAG (OAIY)
  • Abraham Capsulotomy (OAYA)
  • MaxAC® Capsulotomy (OAYAAC)
  • Woldoff High Magnification Vitrectomy (OWIV-HM)
  • Reichel-Mainster 1X Retina (ORMR-1X)


  • Three Mirror Universal Laser, 18mm ODLaser lens (OG3MA)
  • Hwang-Latina 5.0 Indexing SLT LaserLaser lens (OHLSLT-IR)
  • Latina 1X Indexing PSLTLaser lens (OL1PLTF)
  • Latina 5 Bar Indexing SLT LaserLaser lens (OL5SLT-IR)
  • Mainster High MagnificationLaser lens (OMRA-HM)
  • Mainster PRP 165Laser lens (OMRA-PRP-165)
  • Mainster (Standard) Focal/GridLaser lens (OMRA-S)
  • Mainster Wide Field EXLaser lens (OMRA-WFEX)
  • 1.5X Magna View GonioLaser lens (OMVGL-1.5X)


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Axis Medical

We are leaders in the industry providing you with the latest medical technology that helps grow your revenue and solidifies the relationship between you and your patients. We have four offices across Canada with local after-sales service and support for you. As well, we have an experienced, dedicated sales staff available to consult with you, ensuring all of your needs are met. We have developed relationships with suppliers from around the world to bring you reliable, high-quality ophthalmic technology, since 1980.


9820 Boulevard Du Golf
Anjou, Québec
H1J 2Y7
1 877 388-1515

111 Adam Street, Unit B
Belleville, Ontario
K8N 5K3
1 800 267-5597

#8 - 7541 Conway Avenue
Burnaby, BC
V5E 2P7
1 888 855-6558

Devices advertised may not have been licensed in accordance with Canadian law.